Use CasesTotal control of the temperature and flow rate of liquid that hardens easily

Liquid Type
Process Type


Cosmetics manufacturer

Customer's Needs and Problems

We want to create a device that mixes a liquid containing fine titanium oxide particles and an oil-based liquid in a cosmetics production process.

  • The liquid hardens at low temperatures, so we want to keep the tank and piping warm.
  • We want to continuously mix the two liquids inside a pipe and accurately control the mixing ratio.

TACMINA's Solutions

We created a dedicated mixing device equipped with the pump, the peripheral equipment, and a control panel.

  • We attached heat-insulating jackets to the tank, piping, and pump head to enable temperature control.
  • Smoothflow Pumps have high accuracy and can transfer a stable amount of liquid. Furthermore, performing feedback control of the flow rates of the two liquids has enabled a uniform, inline mixture.

Flow Diagram



